I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!
I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!
This pack will save you hours and hours of work. Included are packs to generate spellings and handwriting activities (and to track test results); to generate mental maths sheets (can also be used to assess in class); and to generate 1000s of maths worksheets ALL designed to fit the Year 2 curriculum.
Please click on individual resources for more detailed descriptions and previews.
This is Day 1 of a five lesson unit of work for teaching all dictionary and thesaurus objectives in KS2. In each resource pack you will find: Lesson plans (including for your TA), differentiated worksheets/activities (LA, MA and HA plus a challenge activity for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities (where possible) and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours and hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, resources are uploaded in both PDF and Word format so that they can be edited to suit your needs. The children will love the fun activities and it turns what can be a rather sterile activity into something vibrant and worthwhile.
Lesson 1 begins with an introduction to the dictionary. It then involves the children organising words into alphabetical order. By doing this they can reveal the hidden word. A great introduction to how dictionaries are organised. The challenge activity requires children to organise a set of funny books into alphabetical order!
BONUS: Also included is a 16 page PowerPoint of 5 minute challenges to complete using a dictionary or thesaurus + an editable version of this.
Objectives Covered:
To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read
To use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words
To use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary
To use the first 3 or 4 letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both of these in a dictionary
All five lesson can be purchased in one pack (£6.99). Check out my shop (by clicking on my username) to find this great resource + lots more!
This is Day 2 of a five lesson unit of work for teaching all dictionary and thesaurus objectives in KS2. In each resource pack you will find: Lesson plans (including for your TA), differentiated worksheets/activities (LA, MA and HA plus a challenge activity for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities (where possible) and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours and hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, resources are uploaded in both PDF and Word format so that they can be edited to suit your needs. The children will love the fun activities and it turns what can be a rather sterile activity into something vibrant and worthwhile.
Lesson 2 involves the children learning to find words in a dictionary. They then must help Detective Howlmes repair his dictionary by finding definitions etc. The challenge activity: Deeper understanding of finding words in a dictionary given very little information.
BONUS: Also included is a 16 page PowerPoint of 5 minute challenges to complete using a dictionary or thesaurus + an editable version of this.
Objectives Covered:
To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read
To use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words
To use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary
To use the first 3 or 4 letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both of these in a dictionary
All five lesson can be purchased in one pack (£6.99). Check out my shop (by clicking on my username) to find this great resource + lots more!
This is Day 5 of a five lesson unit of work for teaching all dictionary and thesaurus objectives in KS2. In each resource pack you will find: Lesson plans (including for your TA), differentiated worksheets/activities (LA, MA and HA plus a challenge activity for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities (where possible) and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours and hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, resources are uploaded in both PDF and Word format so that they can be edited to suit your needs. The children will love the fun activities and it turns what can be a rather sterile activity into something vibrant and worthwhile.
Lesson 5 involves the children using all their dictionary and thesaurus skills. Correct or change 20 words to open the secret door and find the stolen thesaurus.
BONUS: Also included is a 16 page PowerPoint of 5 minute challenges to complete using a dictionary or thesaurus + an editable version of this.
Objectives Covered:
To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read
To use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words
To use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary
To use the first 3 or 4 letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both of these in a dictionary
To use a thesaurus
All five lesson can be purchased in one pack (£6.99). Check out my shop (by clicking on my username) to find this great resource + lots more!
This is Day 3 of a five lesson unit of work for teaching all dictionary and thesaurus objectives in KS2. In each resource pack you will find: Lesson plans (including for your TA), differentiated worksheets/activities (LA, MA and HA plus a challenge activity for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities (where possible) and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours and hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, resources are uploaded in both PDF and Word format so that they can be edited to suit your needs. The children will love the fun activities and it turns what can be a rather sterile activity into something vibrant and worthwhile.
Lesson 3 takes the children on a treasure hunt. Identify the misspelt words using a dictionary, generate coordinates, follow the coordinates using online map, find where the missing diamond is hidden. Great fun! The challenge: Complete the words with every other letter missing.
BONUS: Also included is a 16 page PowerPoint of 5 minute challenges to complete using a dictionary or thesaurus + an editable version of this.
Objectives Covered:
To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read
To use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words
To use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary
To use the first 3 or 4 letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both of these in a dictionary
All five lesson can be purchased in one pack (£6.99). Check out my shop (by clicking on my username) to find this great resource + lots more!
With most spelling assessments, you have a few tests to use over the year. With this resource, you will have hundreds. Each test is comprised of 20 staggered question (see previews) chosen randomly from a bank of over 150 sentences. Each test will enable pupils to demonstrate whether they are: below, working towards, meeting or exceeding age related expectations. Simply, open the resource, randomise (F9) and print! Answer sheet is included (obviously) as is a result page to track progress
ALL year 2 spelling rules represented. 100s of assessments at your fingertips. Everything you need in one place. Easy to use. A great tracking tool.
(PDF previews represent a fraction of the assessments that can be created. Full instructions can be found on first page of the spreadsheet)
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This is the bundle of all of my KS1 spelling resources. Randomly generate lists, practice sheets & handwriting sheets by selecting the spelling rule being taught. Generate spelling assessments and track pupil progress. This really is the complete package and will save you many, many hours of work
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Year 1 Maths and Science Assessments
Year 2 Maths and Science Assessments
This is the bundle of my Primary spelling resources. Randomly generate lists, practice sheets & handwriting sheets by selecting the spelling rule being taught. This really is the complete package and will save you many, many hours of work
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Primary Maths and Science Assessments Bundle
This is the complete set of my bingo games for phonics phases 2-5 with over 100 spreadsheets included for each of the phase 2-5 phonemes. Make teaching and learning phonics lots of fun with these bingo games!
This is a complete resource for playing phonics bingo using the phase 5 phonemes including nonsense words. Each of the 20 spreadsheets have a list of words – both real and nonsense - (100% editable) that the bingo cards randomly choose from to practise a chosen phoneme – just randomise and print! Then use the calling card list to play the game and make learning phonics a lot of fun! The previews represent only a fraction of this resource.
Phonemes covered: ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e + a blank spreadsheet to easily create your own cards.
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Year 1 Spelling Assessments
This is a collection of 13 non-fiction comprehensions. Each full text represents a different non-fiction genre and comes with a range of comprehension questions. They are designed to be used weekly during comprehension or guided reading sessions, but could also be used for dictations, analysing grammar/punctuation techniques, as exemplars or as writing starters. Also included is a 52 page flipchart (ActivInspire - interactive; PowerPoint and PDF format) comprised of each non-fiction text and the accompanying questions - great for feeding back as a class and discussing the best answers for each question.
Genres: Information Text, Explanation Text, Persuasion, Diary, Letter, Postcard, Recount, Newspaper Report, Biography, Instructions, Advert, Brochure, Historical
Objectives Covered:
Develop positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read by:
Listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks
Increasing their familiarity with a wide range of books
Understand what they read, in books they can read independently, by:
Checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their understanding, and explaining the meaning of words in context
Asking questions to improve their understanding of a text
Drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence
Predicting what might happen from details stated and implied
Identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarising these
Identifying how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning
Retrieve and record information from non-fiction
Provide reasoned justifications for their views
ALSO AVAILABLE: The Fiction Pack or The Fiction & Non-Fiction Pack
KS2 Fiction Comprehensions
KS2 Fiction & Non-Fiction Comprehensions
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This is a collection of 18 fiction comprehensions. Each short extract represents a different fiction genre and comes with a range of comprehension questions. They are designed to be used weekly during comprehension or guided reading sessions, but could also be used for dictations, analysing grammar/punctuation techniques or as writing starters. Also included is a 72 page flipchart (ActivInspire - interactive; PowerPoint and PDF format) comprised of each fiction text and the accompanying questions - great for feeding back as a class and discussing the best answers for each question.
Genres: Adventure, Suspense, War, Science-Fiction, Wild West, Fantasy, Classic Horror, Comedy, Superhero, Myth, Pirate, Crime, Thriller, Fairy Tale, Legend, Fable, Play-script, Folk Tale
Objectives Covered:
Develop positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read by:
Listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks
Increasing their familiarity with a wide range of books
Understand what they read, in books they can read independently, by:
Checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their understanding, and explaining the meaning of words in context
Asking questions to improve their understanding of a text
Drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence
Predicting what might happen from details stated and implied
Identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarising these
Identifying how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning
Retrieve and record information from non-fiction
Provide reasoned justifications for their views
ALSO AVAILABLE: The Non-Fiction Pack or The Fiction & Non-Fiction Pack
KS2 Non-Fiction Comprehensions
KS2 Fiction & Non-Fiction Comprehensions
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KS2 Tracking and Reporting
With most spelling assessments, you have a few tests to use over the year. With this resource, you will have hundreds. Each test is comprised of 20 staggered question (see previews) chosen randomly from a bank of over 150 sentences. Each test will enable pupils to demonstrate whether they are: below, working towards, meeting or exceeding age related expectations. Simply, open the resource, randomise (F9) and print! Answer sheet is included (obviously) as is a result page to track progress
ALL year 3 and 4 spelling rules represented. 100s of assessments at your fingertips. Everything you need in one place. Easy to use. A great tracking tool.
(PDF previews represent a fraction of the assessments that can be created. Full instructions can be found on first page of the spreadsheet)
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Times Tables Generator
There are a lot of good spelling resources out there, but nothing like this. This super spreadsheet will create differentiated spelling sheets, practice sheets and handwriting sheets by selecting words randomly from a massive 1000+ word bank (included in spreadsheet). Simply, choose the spelling rule from a drop-down menu, randomise the lists (F9) and then print (sheets have been set up for easy printing). You will never need to create your own lists/practise sheets/handwriting sheets again, saving yourself hours of work, and the randomising feature means no two lists/sheets will ever be the same. In addition, a random activity is also generated for each spelling list, reinforcing learning and there is a spreadsheet for recording spelling test results that makes it easy to track pupils' progress.
ALL spelling rules included. 1000s of sheets at your fingertips. Everything you need in one place. Easy to use. A massive TIME SAVER!
(PDF previews represent a fraction of the lists/sheets that can be created. Full instructions can be found on first page of the spreadsheet)
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Visit My Shop!
This pack will save you hours and hours of work. Included are packs to generate spellings and handwriting activities (and to track test results); to generate mental maths sheets (can also be used to assess in class); posters for all year 1 objectives (great to display in class); and to generate maths worksheets.
Please click on individual resources for more detailed descriptions and previews.
Get pupils SATs ready, and boost results, with these well designed resources: SPaG revision book, generate arithmetic SATs tests, generate mental maths tests AND hone reasoning skills with a reasoning workout and maths assessments - all in one discounted package. A must have resource for Year 6 teachers!
Please, click on individual resources for more details about each resource.
NOW ALSO INCLUDES: Year 6 Maths Mastery Activities - over 200 problem solving tasks for all 47 year 6 maths objectives AND daily arithmetic Workouts for upper KS2!